Past Community Events

At LCCS it is our desire that we maintain a library of past presentations and workshops we have conducted over the years so that we can make them available to the general public as a part of our commitment to giving back to the greater community.

All of the staff at LCCS have presented at major conferences and trainings throughout the United States. Our trainings and presentations are most often on the topics of Improving Intimacy, Relapse Prevention, Intervention, and Sex/Love Addiction. We have compiled many of these past presentations here.

While not all of our presentations and workshops are stored here we fully expect that over time this repository will grow so we encourage you to check back from time to time.

Below is a bullet list organized by subject.  please choose from one of the following 3 options:

If you are interested in having LCCS bring any of these training programs to your program or agency directly, please contact our main office at 732-797-1444

Leadem Counseling & Consulting Services, PC.
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