
Our staff of highly trained licensed professionals provides individual, group, family counseling and couple’s counseling through the use of face-to-face, email counseling, and other online counseling modalities such as video conferencing and instant messaging. We provide marriage counseling, family counseling, children counseling, adolescents counseling, love and sex addiction counseling, alcohol addiction counseling, food addiction counseling, co-dependency and co-sex addiction counseling, and intervention training for families of individuals suffering with addictive disorders.

Our staff of highly trained licensed professionals provides individual, group, family counseling and couple’s counseling through the use of face-to-face, email counseling, and other online counseling modalities such as video conferencing and instant messaging. We provide marriage counseling, family counseling, children counseling, adolescents counseling, love and sex addiction counseling, alcohol addiction counseling, food addiction counseling, co-dependency and co-sex addiction counseling, and intervention training for families of individuals suffering with addictive disorders.

Leadem Counseling & Consulting Services, PC.
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