Adolescent Counseling Treatment Options

The Leadem Counseling & Consulting Services is committed to the provision of a comprehensive approach to the therapeutic care of adolescents and require that everyone who cares for them be committed to treating the adolescent with the utmost dignity and respect. We will not work with caregivers who insist on physical discipline and we will not see adolescents against their will. The following modalities are available at our offices, in your home, and through the use of video conferencing.

Individual Adolescent Counseling

We do not practice from the child advocacy model and do not work with adolescents alone or apart from their parents. We believe that blood is thicker than therapy and that an adolescent’s primary therapeutic relationship needs to be with their parent or guardian and not their therapist. We do not enter into confidential therapeutic relationships with adolescents, as we believe it would be counter-therapeutic. Therapeutic homework for adolescent and parents should be expected. The frequency of sessions and the duration of the therapy relationship are determined by the client and parents.

Family Counseling for Adolescents

Family therapy can be an effective tool for helping an adolescent develop the social and emotional skills they need to feel successful but only if they are not identified as the “problem.” All family members attending family counseling sessions are expected to fully participate in the session and may be asked to address their personal issues that appear to have nothing to do with the problem that brought the adolescent to counseling. Therapeutic homework for adolescent and other family-counseling participants should be expected.

Therapeutic Intervention

We will train a group of concerned individuals selected by the adolescent’s parents to conduct a therapeutic intervention to facilitate the adolescent’s acceptance of the need for professional treatment of alcoholism or other substance dependency.

Leadem Counseling & Consulting Services, PC.
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