Using Meditations

Using Daily Meditations


The daily prayer meditation guide can be used privately or with your partner. It is our suggestion that each partner read the daily meditations privately and reflect on its meaning in his/her own life. If you plan on working on the meditations privately, it is wise to share your insights with members of your support group. The meditation techniques you currently useIf you chose to read the prayer meditation with a partner, we encourage you to keep your sharing focused on your own experience, strength, and hope.  Don’t ask for advice because you may get it and don’t give advice because your partner may take it. Meditation classes are helpful but not always readily available. Our daily prayer meditation guide could create the atmosphere of joining in a meditation class with your partner when you practice the meditation techniques offered in the guide.

Meditation Format

Each week will be devoted to a theme about relationship building that is broken down into five parts that will be individually loaded on a daily basis Monday through Friday.

The meditation techniques used will contain the following three key sections:


The first section will briefly describe the challenges that we face in a romantic partnership. The challenge section is not intended to be a comprehensive review of the problem area or all of its common manifestations.  In the months to come this site will offer articles that cover the themes and the five focus points in more depth.


The second section, Reflection, suggests an alternate perspective on the problem addressed in the Challenge area.  The text is limited in scope and designed to aid the reader in self-examination.   If you are interested in a more personal explanation of methods for responding to the challenge of your romantic relations, you can open an internet counseling account with us by emailing us at:


The meditation concludes with a prayer focus for the day that would be heightened if offered to God with your partner. The theme for the week will culminate in a Weekend Workshop that will be loaded on Saturday. The Weekend Workshop will provide opportunities to continue the exploration of issues raised during the week in the five components of the theme. The choices for prayer meditation techniques are endless. If you have questions about approaches to use, please contact us.

We do not offer meditation classes but would be glad to help you locate a resource.

Leadem Counseling & Consulting Services, PC.
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