Client Forms

On this page you will find the forms we ask our clients to fill out for the initial session.  We did this because it is oftentimes difficult for individuals to get to the initial appointment early to complete the paperwork so we hope you will find this to be useful.  If you choose, you can still opt to complete the paperwork at the office prior to the start of the session.

Additionally, we have made available the personal history forms that we require to be completed before the second session.

Forms Required for Initial Assessment*

Forms Required for Second Session

Additional Forms

* Please note- the initial forms on the website have all been updated to reflect the new business entity, Leadem Counseling, LCC, which will be responsible for client care for all clients who are currently clients of LCCS effective January 1, 2024. [Message posted December 8, 2023]

Leadem Counseling & Consulting Services, PC.
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