Thinking the “Drink” Through Profile

This is one of several tools we are making available for free on our website that are mentioned in our book An Ounce of Prevention: A Course in Relapse Prevention.  This intervention addresses a phenomenon referred to as euphoric recall.  Below is an expanded explanation of what this particular sober tool is designed to address.

It is common for addicts to experience mental lapses into euphoric recall (p. 203) during recovery that occur as a result of being triggered by a memory of what it was like to engage with his or her drug of choice.  The euphoric or pleasant memories of what it was like to be able to use an addictive substance or engage in an addictive behavior without the undesirable consequences that resulted in the problems in our lives may seem harmless but they are not.  These seemingly harmless strolls down memory lane can begin to diminish the sense and acceptance of the unmanageability that drove us into recovery and we can begin to think, “it really was not that bad.”  If you find yourself in a particularly vulnerable place and you are actively thinking that your drug of choice is the answer to some emotional or situational challenge then it is clear that something needs to be done.

Thinking the “drink” (drug of choice) through is an exercise that uses a bit of dysphoric recall and healthy projection to interrupt the seductive thinking that is suggesting that your drug of choice is the answer to some life challenge or that “one more time can not really hurt.”

Click on this link to download a pdf version of this tool: Sober Tools – Thinking the Drink Through Profile

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