Monthly Unlimited Email Responses

The monthly email counseling service is designed to provide existing or new clients with an unlimited access to therapeutic input. You will be permitted to send an unlimited number of email inquiries or items to be addressed. Responses will be returned to you within 48 hours of receipt of your submission.

Getting Started

Email Counseling Assessment for Returning or Existing Clients:

Contact us and outline the problem you would like to discuss and we will let you know if Email counseling is an appropriate way to go. If it is not an acceptable therapeutic approach to the problem, we will suggest other approaches. There will not be a charge for this screening service.

If Email counseling is an appropriate match for the issue you want help with, we will set up an account for you or your family following an initial treatment planning phone assessment. The rate for the initial phone assessment will be $100 per hour and charges for the call will be your responsibility. You can submit your credit card information by phone for payment or make arrangements to pay in advance for the response plan that you prefer.

Existing clients will not have to undergo an initial treatment planning phone assessment however prior clinical approval is required before Email counseling can begin.

Email Counseling Assessment for New Clients:

Contact us and outline the problem/s that you would like to address in counseling. During this preliminary screening process you will have the opportunity to present a brief overview of the problem/s and we will let you know if Email counseling is an appropriate way to go.  If it is not an acceptable therapeutic approach to the problem, we will suggest other approaches. There will not be a charge for this screening service.

If we both agree to proceed, you will be scheduled for a more in-depth initial phone assessment to develop an initial plan for addressing the presenting problem/s. During that phone assessment you will be scheduled for a mandatory review of your history and treatment planning conference.

Following your initial phone assessment you will be sent a series of assessment and authorization packets to complete and return to our offices prior to your second scheduled phone session to review your history and develop a treatment plan.

The fee for the required phone sessions is $100 per hour and is charged before your billing cycle is initiated and Email counseling begins.

When arranging for your confidential email account, we will develop passwords for you to use to authenticate your inquiry and every effort will be made to conceal your identity and increase your privacy protection.

You will be free to terminate or suspend your Email counseling service at any time and your account will be credited with the unused portion of your prepaid period.

We expect that email inquires focus on one issue or problem only.  If your problem has numerous focal points we will create an overview of how the interconnecting problems could be addressed. This might require multiple email inquires and responses. If you have arranged for a monthly or greater package, your inquires will be unlimited. You can also arrange, at a reduced rate, for a series of Individual Email Response sessions that are paid for in advance.

Leadem Counseling & Consulting Services, PC.
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